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Claudio Raccagni


The skin crackles, crumbles, burns, like a massive blaze, where black emotions, darker than the unknown, take over. Elisabetta Fontana instinctively recognises the "Phantoms of the Past" and brings them into her works where they come to life, touching the public's emotions and recalling, with them, memories of the past: the wounds to the soul, the old nightmares that still appear in the present.

Fontana's work expresses a traumatic memory, not only psychic but physical, lived through the skin: blood, static, bringing the certainty of a long, suffocating nightmare to the mind of the spectator, dangerous in all its effects. A memory she expresses perfectly.

Body and soul are imprisoned on the canvas, in the burnished soil, torn, as the heart is wrenched after a hard blow.

You can feel a link between violence and love: the spectator sees the rips, perhaps incidental, which form when two hearts part, the bruised flowers which give this work its most loving quality.

Claudio Raccagni
(Writer and Poet)


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